Speed Reading For Education
7 Speed Reading EDU is the world's most advanced accelerated reading system for schools. Based on proven principles of faster reading, 7 Speed Reading EDU contains all the features of 7 Speed Reading plus:
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Elbert Zeigler
Daniel Walters
Stephen L. (Reviewer)
Devad Goud
Reinard Mortlock
Adel Serag
Nik Roglich
Jose Godinez
Many students think that only geniuses have the power to read books at high speed. Every normal human being can increase his/her reading speed. This is because reading does not deal with inherent capabilities such as the mind utilization capacity. It deals with conditioning one’s motor skills and human recognition (ability to process information quickly). In other words, every student can learn it. It is evident that speed-reading comes with many benefits. Some of these advantages include saving time (you may find that lunch breaks great for reading) and going through many texts. Let us review five ways or tips, if you will, on how you can increase your reading speed as a student.
This is the initial step towards fast reading. It tests reading speed or how fast can you read a particular text. You do this by counting the number of characters and words in each sentence. After counting the number of characters and words in a sentence, count the number of sentences in a page. Multiply the number of sentences with the number of words on a page. Now read at your average reading speed with a set timer maybe in seconds on in minutes. If you do not have a timer, you can use online apps or programs. In case the time goes off before finishing the page, stop reading and count the number of sentences you have read. Do this from time to time using the same page until you minimize time spent in reading. To gauge your advancement, use super-fast reading programs found through various websites
Sub-vocalization are those small voices one hears while reading. In most cases, students vocalize nearly every word in their heads. This results in confusion and hence slow reading. You do not have to say the words to process what they mean. Learn how to look at words on the page and try your best to process their meaning. You may think that this is impossible, but your mind is made in a way that it interprets texts. This trains you to minimize your reading time as you advance from one level to another.
To avoid wandering of your eyes, you need to use a pointer. You may not realize the movement. However, even those small movements from what you are supposed to be reading consume your time. By use of pointers, you maintain your eye contact and focus on what you are reading. This technique comes with regular practice. At the initial stage, use a pointer and then pace yourself by reading one line in a second. Advance and pace yourself regarding minutes as the pointer slides across the page. You should training until you move at the speed of the pointer. Repeat these processes as many times as possible until your eyes move at the pace of the pointer. You must read and try to understand all the words in the page to be a successful fast reader.
Reading and understanding do not mean you read every word in a sentence. You may find a student reading from the first word of every line to the last word. This is time-consuming. Scanning is the best technique. Train your eyes to scan quickly over words. You can do this through focusing on the middle line of a sentence and then allow the peripheral vision to interpret and process the rest. If possible, skip few words at the start and the end of each sentence. By use of these techniques, you read only the relevant words. All you need is to practice and try your level best to stay focused. This is essential even when you seek help in writing papers.
Flitting and jumping back and forth on a page means more time is spent in reading. You do not want to be caught up in a scenario where it takes you weeks to paraphrase exercises that probably require one day. As discussed in the above speed-reading techniques, you can use the pointers to read every word. You can also use a bookmark or your finger as a guide in reading. Gauge your comprehension after you are done with reading to avoid confusion.