Speed Reading For Education

7 Speed Reading EDU is the world's most advanced accelerated reading system for schools. Based on proven principles of faster reading, 7 Speed Reading EDU contains all the features of 7 Speed Reading plus:

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On the pro side it has easy-to-use interface, video tutorials, multiple user accounts, well-structured course system for beginners & advanced students plus the ability to exercise with any digital text.

Elbert Zeigler

"I found 7 Speed reading. Doing eye exercises, warm-ups before reading, and how to look at words in groups instead of one at a time improved my reading and comprehension. I recommend 7 Speed Reading for you."


7 Speed Reading is a decent speed reading software with an innovative approach. The customizable features are quite appealing since it allows you organize your speed reading training effectively.

Daniel Walters

"I have always struggled with reading slowly. Once I started using 7 Speed Reading, I did notice an improvement from approx. 200 wpm to 300 wpm."


If you want to learn how to speed read so that you can read everything faster, your best option is to get the self-paced speed reading course called 7 Speed Reading. It is designed to be the world’s most powerful speed-reading training program.


From learning how to read and comprehend faster to how to keep your eyes healthy, everything is covered in this course for almost any age, and a team of professionals will help you master it.

Stephen L. (Reviewer)

I liked the accessibility of it. It helps, because users are able to easily maneuver throughout the software to varying levels and practice their reading at varying speeds.

Devad Goud

After having used this software, I learned techniques and skills such as eliminating my subvocalization, which not only greatly enhanced my speed reading, but also allowed me to get more engagement in what I read.

Reinard Mortlock

The biggest problem I had was sub-vocalization, 7 Speed Reading helped a lot with techniques to improve this and substantially improve my reading speed. The application is easy to use with loads of books to read to improve your reading skills.

Adel Serag

When I seriously exercise using the app, in no time, my reading speed goes from less than 400 to 600 and my target is 900 plus.

Nik Roglich

The pace trainer is great for getting my eyes focused and sharp. Also the word search exercise is very important, gets me searching for specific text.

Jose Godinez

I have improved my speed reading and comprehension since I started using 7 Speed Reading, I enjoy using it and I will continue to use it in the future.

5 Little Things You Need To Know About Speed Reading

Speed reading is your ticket to the world of knowledge. Here are 5 things you need to know about this must-have skill.

Speed reading is impossible without fixing bad reading habits first

Regression, limited fixation, and vocalization are just three of the many bad reading habits that prevent many people from speed reading. Or at least doing so at their full capacity. But please do not blame your primary school teacher. It’s not their fault.

However, you can change these reading habits now. Learn to get rid of them and make room for speed reading habits that will boost your reading speed.

About 30% of your reading time is spend on rereading

Seems like an awful lot of time wasted, doesn’t it? Regression and backtracking are the two main reasons you’re not reading as fast as you could.

Lack of focus, distractions, and the move from paper reading to digital reading all have a role to play in how much you backtrack when reading.

You can eliminate regression, the act of re-reading material either unconsciously or consciously, by making it impossible to do so. Let me explain. Use a pointer to force your eyes to only read what’s in front of you. A pen or cursor can do the trick.

If you’re reading a book or newspaper try using a blank sheet of paper or another book to cover every line you just read. This will force you to be more focused because  you know that you cannot go back to re-read!

Reading fast is all about improving comprehension

Reading at 900 or 1000 wpm is useless if you cannot retain any information. Speed reading is all about your goals, but your two goals should be speed and comprehension working together.

To speed read is not to have your eyes scan content as fast as you can. It’s about being a selective reader where you read slowly when an important argument is made, you start skimming through pieces that are redundant or supplementary, and overall you read at a pace that’s comfortable enough to facilitate comprehension yet fast enough to be time-efficient.

Put simply, speed reading ultimately boils down to being a discerning, critical reader.

Speed reading is an essential skill for today’s professionals

Reading faster is more than saving a few hours every week. It’s about having the opportunity to learn new skills and gather new knowledge. In other words, it’s about staying a step ahead of your competitors and colleagues.

Being a speed reader opens up a whole new world for you, from better career prospects to increased influence and expertise in your company and at a wider community level. Speed reading is your opportunity to move ahead and to stand out.

Educator and entrepreneur Evelyn Wood created the first speed reading course, named Reading Dynamics. That was in 1959. A lot has changed since and speed reading courses have been fine-tuned and optimized, now offering a comprehensive speed reading learning experience with tangible yet impressive results.  7 Speed Reading, for instance, can help you read three times your current speed through the power of technology, progress tracking, and step-by-step video tutorials.

Any bit of help matters

Speed reading is a complex cognitive process. It requires a combination of alertness and mental focus and of course learnable skills like using your peripheral vision to expand your eye fixation, eliminating regression, and reducing vocalization to a minimum.

While it is possible to learn to speed read in a self-directed manner, using a speed reading app can offer you the right tools and techniques to speed read in less time and with less practice.

7 Speed Reading is designed to be the world’s most powerful speed reading training program. If you want to learn speed reading, 7 Speed Reading is the best option.

Master Speed Reading Skills With These 3 Keys To Success

Learning a new skill can be hard. But you can make learning easy with the right tools! Learning to speed read ultimately boils down to discovering and practicing some key principles while building up your skills.

Speed reading is 99% practice

To speed read you need to eliminate subvocalization, or when you hear and shape words with your mouth and in your head. That’s a fact. And that’s the first step to mastering speed reading. There are several simple techniques that help you fight this habit, but only practice will get rid of it entirely.

You’ve been reading in a certain way because that’s what you were taught to do in school. Now you need to unlearn those old methods and acquire new speed-reading habits! And it’s only through consistent practice you’re going to make it happen.

Amp up your speed reading gradually

In other words, start small. You cannot expect to speed read a medical textbook after a few hours of practicing subvocalization elimination and cluster reading. You need to start small, and practice with books or text that is at your current reading level to help you get in the speed reading mode. It will be easier to concentrate and implement everything you learn when the content is with you and not against you.

It’s also important to be relaxed when you learn to speed read, and starting off with easy stuff does help. You’ll know when you’re ready to move on to more difficult texts.

You’re not on your own

Don’t be that person who sabotages their own learning process because you don’t know how to find help when you need it. If there are tricks and hacks to help you speed read, please use them.

Use a ruler, or a pen, or a card to guide your eyes at the desired speed to the next cluster of words.

This simple device can help you speed up your reading without exerting too much effort. By changing the circumstances, you’re forcing yourself to adapt to the new speed-optimized reality of reading.

Remember, speed reading is all about making smart choices. These three best practices will help you speed read, and read smarter, not harder!

7 Speed Reading is designed to be the world’s most powerful speed reading training program.

What You Need To Know About Vocalization in Speed Reading

If you’ve ever tried to speed up your reading, you probably realized right away just how difficult it is to avoid sounding out the words in your head. It’s something called vocalization, and it’s one of the most persistent reading habits you need to get rid of in order to speed read to the maximum of your brain’s capacity.

What is vocalization or subvocalization in reading?

When you “hear” the words you’re reading on a paper or screen, even if only inside your head, you’re doing what’s called vocalization. You’re reading with your mouth instead of just your eyes, and this inevitably slows you down.

For most people, the eyes go faster than the mouth. That means reading silently is much faster than pronouncing words and phrases out loud. It is difficult to speed read as fast as you’d like if you still engage in this time-consuming habit.

To be clear up front, vocalization is very difficult to completely eradicate. Even the most proficient speed readers sometimes vocalize, but they know how to keep it in check.

Why you should get rid of vocalization when you read

If everyone does it, you might ask, why should I worry about it? Here are a few reasons:

You’ll Read Faster

When you vocalize every single word you read you are slowing down your reading speed. People who can speed read at 800 wpm vocalize very little – that’s what allows them to read at this pace in the first place.

You’ll Improve Comprehension

If you vocalize the words you read, you’re putting extra cognitive burden on your brain. When you speed read, all of your brain needs to be focused on processing what you are reading, and not  on sounding the words out in your head (or worse, murmuring them out loud). The more focused you are on comprehension, the more you can extract from what you read.

How to eliminate vocalisation when you speed read

As you’ve realized by now, vocalization sabotages your speed reading ambitions. It’s completely unnecessary and slows you down to the point of ridiculousness.

To stop subvocalization you need to push yourself into reading whole clusters of words. While still maintaining a reading pace slightly faster than your comfortable speed.

When you see words, and even whole phrases, as semantic entities, you leave no alternative to your brain but to fast-process what you read in order to quickly move onto the next chunk.

As a result, you have no time or ability to sound the words in your mouth or head.

7 Speed Reading is designed to be the world’s most powerful speed reading training program. If you want to learn speed reading, 7 Speed Reading is the best option.

How To Increase Your Reading Speed By A Factor Of Three

Speed reading is all the rage these days. We have little time and so much to read through that being able to read more without sacrificing comprehension is an essential skill more and more students and professionals want to master.

You can improve your reading speed and get up to 3 times faster, simply by letting go of reading habits you learned in primary school and by adopting skills that are more … 21st century compatible, shall we say. Let’s dig in!

Read chunks of words, not word after word

At school you learned to read in a linear manner. Spell out every sound, syllable, and word before moving on to the next. It’s a great practice for children who are just starting to learn to read, but it’s not helpful when you want to read at 500 or 600 words per minute.

When we read we fixate our eyes on a particular area in front of us. To read faster you need to have the fewest number of fixation points per line as possible in order to read faster through each line. This is reading in saccades, jumping from one fixation point to the next in little bursts.

Each fixation act lasts as little as 0.25 of a second, so imagine how much improvement you will achieve by having only one or two fixation points per line! This will greatly improve your words-per-minute rate.

To achieve this you have to learn to use your peripheral vision when reading. Instead of fixating on a single word, focus your eyes in the blank space between two words so that you must read both the word on the left side of the space and on the right side at the same time.

After some time you’ll be able to read more than two words at once using your peripheral vision and by expanding your fixation area.

The only way is forward

Fixation is not the only problem when it comes to speed reading mastery. You also need to eliminate regression.

This is another leftover habit from when you were young and just starting out to read. You would spell out a word, and then instantly read the whole thing to get what you’re reading.

This habit as an adult, however, will completely ruin your speed reading potential. If you constantly back-skip to reread words and whole sentences because you weren’t paying attention, you’re spending too much time. It is estimated that about one third of your reading time is spent rereading stuff  you just read either because you consciously didn’t get it the first time, or because it is something your brain is still trying to process in the old letter-by-letter method.

Either way, you need to reduce regression to a minimum in order to read more in less time. What you can do:

– Prevent yourself from re-reading a phrase of word – unless of course you absolutely have to!

– Use a pointer to keep your reading speed at a high level. Using your index finger, your cursor, or a pen will force your eyes to read faster. Of course, to achieve this you first need to increase your focus and alertness so that every phrase you read is understood and you can move on to the next without backtracking.

By eliminating these two bad habits of regression and vocalization you will be able to read at as much as three times your current reading rate. Remember, speed reading takes practice and the more you practice the faster you will read!

7 Speed Reading is designed to be the world’s most powerful speed reading training program. If you want to learn speed reading, 7 Speed Reading is the best option.

Top 10 Books Every College Student Should Read

David Mitchel

College is one time period of life that lets you fly like a bird (no kidding). After college life really doesn’t give you a lot of chances; first of all, you don’t really get to make true and sincere friends (not usually). Secondly, you cannot free yourself from the pile of responsibilities, even if you want to and lastly you become a part of a never-ending race. There is, however, one small problem – college life doesn’t really show you the real colors of practical world. You do need to get yourself prepared for that; it is very important, otherwise, you will be kicked out soon. No college student is interested in books, especially when it comes to writing an essay on a book, everyone knows that, but these 10 books are just not scripts but some life hacks you need to learn in order not to flunk in exam of life!

Take a look:

1. To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee is just one book everyone should read once in their lifetime. The book shall broaden a student’s perspective regarding societal factors. Harper Lee has addressed the issue of class, gender roles, courage and compassion in her book excellently.

2. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is another brave attempt of identifying the deep-rooted colonial germs in Afghanistan. It also focuses on bonds between families, in particular a father and a son. It is the best way of looking at the world from a different perspective.

3. How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia by Mohsin Hamid is a perfect interpretation of desires that arise as globalization flattens. It can turn out to be a great piece for students intending to chase literature in future.

4. I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai is a story of a girl from Pakistan that fought for her right to education. It is a brave step against Talibanization that is so brutally evading human lives in contemporary times. Students will realize how important education is for people who don’t have an easy access to it.

5. Free Food for Millionaires by Min Jin Lee is the best read for students who have hard time making career choices. It is a story of a girl who battles between her parents’ choices for her future and her own choice for career. The moral is that it shall be you who decides what is best and not others’ expectations.

6. As the Crow Flies by Jeffrey Archer is an example of a boy who started his voyage empty-handed and with support of his friends and family reached to levels of success beyond imagination. It identifies how a common man can ignore Britain’s rigid class structure and still achieve goals and ambitions.

7. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte is a story of an orphaned girl who is a victim of the 19th century social evils. Being treated bad by her aunt and servants she finally gets mentally ill and is sent off to a religious boarding. There she finds her first friend. The story is a flux of emotions, hardships and sufferings.

8. One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is basically the history of an isolate town called Macondo. A family finds it and starts living. For years the town comes in no contact with the rest of the world but then interaction begins and so do wars and politics. It is a story of births, deaths, love affairs and marriages, defining different phases of a shaping society.

9. The Stranger by Albert Camus is the story of a young man living in Algiers. He experiences different feelings, meets different people and comes across various events. It is a story that will allow students to look deep within them and look at life from a different perspective.

10. The Art of Happiness by Dalai Lama is a splendid example of defining pursuit of happiness in life. It is a brilliant piece of writing, where people can easily learn to judge their actions in light of happiness. The writer has beautifully mentioned some rules and principles of happiness, compassion, love and kindness. He defines contentment as the ability to stop chasing what we don’t have and focus on what we have.

There are many other books that could win your heart. All that matters is one’s taste in literature. As the famous saying goes, “Books are your best friends.” They not only serve as the best company in times of solitude but also prove to be great teachers in times of hardships. People who spend more time with books have a level of understanding and maturity higher than the others. This is true to a major extent in case of youngsters too. Young people who read books make more logical decisions. Especially when a student graduates there is not much time for friends and fun, so it is better to cash time with these great books in future too.

Author bio: Dave is an academic college writer writing for various educational platforms, including www.solidessay.com. His article on is how to write a Humanities abstract helps students make their articles and dissertations look professional.

The Wolf Gamer, Baden Ronie, Expounded “geek speak” and More In An Exclusive Interview

Baden Ronie

“Write what you’re passionate about” is advice frequently given to would­be bloggers and online entrepreneurs (along with “don’t forget to check your spelling before hitting the [Publish] key”). Someone who’s turned his passion into blogging is Baden Ronie, who runs the popular site Wolf’s Gaming Blog. We asked Baden about writing and blogging in a recent interview.

7SR: You started your blog out of your passion for gaming and a desire to share information on the topic. After more than five years of writing about gaming, do you find that you’re still as enthusiastic about your blogging?

Generally yes. Now that I play more games than ever I do find myself getting burnt out from time to time, so these days if I’m not actively in the process of reviewing a game I tend not to play anything at all and instead spend my time catching up on movies, reading or chatting with friends.

As for the blogging, it’s largely the same answer. There are those days when you get up and feel like you’re banging your head off a brick wall because views haven’t gone up much over the past month or because nobody seems to be commenting, but then there are days when you get to play a cool game you may have never known about or when you get a pile of comments thanking you for the review that make it feel pretty awesome. There are so many other sites out there that becoming successful is pretty unlikely. Most of the time, though, I feel that so long as even a few people are reading what I write, I’ll keep doing it. Luckily, though, there seems to be a lot of really awesome people who come and check out my site. Yup, I’m pretty damn lucky.

7SR: What do you do to make sure you’re always coming up with new and interesting ways to present information, when you’re talking about similar games, or upgrades to older versions?

I don’t sit down and plan out reviews or how to change up the way I describe certain things. At the end of the day there are so many similarities between mechanics in games that after a while you run out of ways to talk about them. Still, while I’m writing I do attempt to vary the way I approach talking about something. Quite honestly one of the ways I do this is by reading a lot of other reviews. By checking out the style other writers use and how they tackle talking about certain mechanics it provides a little inspiration.

In fact reading in general helps. It’s amazing how much you learn without even realising it. The way different writers piece their sentences together can vary so much. It’s amazing how versatile the English language can be. Perhaps one day I’ll actually be able to write well enough that people will recognize it as English, rather than the mess it is now :)

7SR: Gamers, like other online groups, often have a jargon that only insiders will understand. Some of those words (like “noob”) eventually make it into standard English usage, but other words and phrases are confusing to non­gamers who might be looking for information. How do you handle the difference between “geek speak” and everyday English vocabulary?

I think the bigger question is where exactly do you draw the line between “geek speak” and normal English? Is describing a game as being a cover­based shooter too geeky for most people, or not? These days “geek speak” is almost is a part of the everday English vocabulary, so I don’t actually avoid using it very much. Indeed, l tend to assume that most of my readers are already entrenched within the culture of gaming and understand terms such as “noob.” If I attempted to avoid all “geek speak” then almost every review would increase massively in length because I’d have to describe a lot of basic stuff, such as what a cover­based shooter is. Having said that I try not to pepper my articles with incomprehensible gibberish. Provided a term like “noob”, for example, is presented in the right context I think even the uninitiated can generally understand its meaning, at least enough to accept it and carry on reading. Really it comes down to the fact that if I simplified everything I was saying and attempted to explain each individual element of a game or word then reviews would be messy. It comes down to attempting to concisely describe things while also describing the mechanic, theme etc. as a larger picture.

On the other hand I also review board games, and in those I tend to be a lot more mindful about using terminology that my regular readers may not be familiar with. Whereas with videogames I’m writing to an audience that already known their stuff, with the boardgames I’m hoping some of those videogame fans might read some of the boardgame stuff and check them out, so I actually take the time to stop and quickly explain what a worker­placement game is. How long I’ll keep doing that, though, is hard to say.

I guess when you get right down to it I’m probably not the most accomodating when it comes to people who have don’t have at least a passing knowledge of videogames :)

7SR: In many ways media are seamless, with movies morphing into video games (or vice versa) which leads to online fanfic and blogs like yours. What’s your vision for the future when it comes to gaming and participation in communities devoted to gaming (virtual and IRL)?

Now that is a complex question. Obviously at the moment we have virtual reality entering the picture, having suddenly become a technology that anyone can acquire and have in their living room, provided they can afford the hefty price. At the same time the adoption rate hasn’t been fast, although we can probably safely assume that the high cost of something like the Oculus has a lot to do with that. The headset itself is expensive, as is the computer upgrade most people would need to run it. Until VR becomes much cheaper I don’t see it becoming too common, and thus at least for the forseeable future I don’t think gaming will change too much from what it is right now. Perhaps what is more important in the gaming landscape right now is that consoles are going to start getting hardware upgrades, moving them away from what consoles once were and closer to the PC market.

As for the other topic E­sports seems to be growing and growing, and with it Youtube. Video reviews from people like AngryJoe let people connect more with the reviewer, and through that subtantial followings are built. Written media, on the other hand, is struggling, which is bad news for me since I’m not pretty enough for Youtube! Sadly, though, we’re still seeing plenty of hostility within the gaming community, which the media loves to focus on.

Honestly, I can’t even begin to guess what the future holds for gaming. I’d love to see VR become more affordable, and for the media to grow bored of using videogames as a scapegoat for bar parenting or acts of extreme violence. But more than that I’d like to see larger companies back down from their various anti­consumer policies.While we get treated to many amazing games, we’re also treated pretty poorly by the likes of EA and Ubisoft. Awful pre­order bonuses tha tare designedto boost pre­order numbers with no real benefit to the customer, games being released in buggy states or with poor performance, and questionable microtransactions. These are just some of the problems that need to be solved.

7SR: Ernest Cline’s book “Ready Player One” has been turned into a movie that looks as if it may be as popular as the book. Do you have any plans for writing a book, a movie script, or anything like that?

I’ve thought about writing a book or comic/graphic novel a lot over the last few years. I’ve always got characters, scenes and plot outlines floating around my head. But my problem is that I’m terrible at creating all the smaller things that need to happen along the way. In my mind I know the big things that occur at the beginning, middle and end, but get utterly lost when it comes to joining it all up to create a book­length tale. For this reason I think that if I really want to get into writing some stories I’d start with fanfiction. By choosing to write about characters and worlds I already know I could focus entirely on learning how to structure a story and join all the major plot points up.

My fear is that I’ll write a book and by some strange miracle people will enjoy it, but I’ll be completely unable to write another one. Maybe I’ll just have one book or comic in me. Or maybe I’m the next George R.R. Martin! But y’know, with less death and depression. Actually, scratch that, if I could be even a fraction as good as great, late Terry Pratchett I would be one very, very happy person.

What Ruins Your Writing?

Have you ever stopped to think about your writing skills? If you have, your first thought was probably the words of your favorite (or least favorite) English teacher who was always scolding you about something. Was it word choice? Your lack of orthography skills?

For many people vocabulary and spelling are the two issues that tend to ruin otherwise well-crafted content. If you’re one of these people, you’ll definitely identify with the problems discussed in this article. For example, you may be frustrated by misspellings that seem to appear in your writing no matter how careful you are and how thoroughly you proofread afterward. It’s hard to understand how you can be a good writer and still mix up words that are spelled with only one letter difference, words such as “complement” and “compliment.” If you’re truly frustrated it’s because the mistakes just seem to go on and on.

This frustration is even worse, now that writers are so much in the public eye, and where every piece of digital information we put out there gets scrutinized – often harshly – by others. It’s important that what we put out there for the entire world to see is of the utmost quality. It’s sometimes impossible to find misspellings and misused vocabulary if you don’t have an eye for it. Thankfully, spellcheckers and online grammar services help many people avoid such awkward and embarrassing mistakes.

Or do they? Actually, these computer tools do not provide a long-term sustainable solution. You cannot rely on others to proofread your work. It’s not good to depend on outside editors, whether real people or word processing functions. In fact, it can cost you a lot of money and time in the end.

The trick is to improve your spelling and vocabulary skills once and for all. To enhance your editing skills you should try taking a language class at your community center or local college.

You can also invest in a more discreet, DIY solution: a language improvement program to build your vocabulary and enhance your spelling skills at the same time.

A good vocabulary building software program will help you enrich your vocabulary with new words and concepts for better communication. It will also ensure you learn the correct spelling of these new words, and completely master the orthography of the words whose definition you already know.

So if you’re looking for an inexpensive way to improve your editing skills so that your online and offline writing doesn’t suffer (and make English teachers furious) then invest in a vocabulary builder like Ultimate Vocabulary to expand your working lexicon and improve your orthography skills.

When good vocabulary and spelling skills are in place, you will be able to quickly and effectively proofread your own writing and get rid of embarrassing language usage errors before they’re published for all the world to see.

Don’t forget that polished, error-free online content promotes you as an authority in your niche and makes people value you, and what you contribute, online and through your business.

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Justin Germino, Owner of Dragon Bloggers, Has A Piece of Advice For 7 Speed Reading Readers

Justin Germino

If you’re going to spend a lot of time at the computer, you need to know how to get the most out of that time. Blogger and product reviewer Justin Germino runs the website DragonBlogger, a great resource for anyone looking for tips on how to both save money and make money with their online minutes wherever possible.

7SR: Speed is everything when it comes to computers. Here at 7 Speed Reading, we focus on reading speed and how to maximize it, whether with a print book or an online article. When you read a blog or a book on your computer, what do you do to maximize your own reading speed?

I was always an avid reader, so reading quickly comes naturally to me, but when I have to speed read to absorb information then I tend to do like others do and skip over common words when reading (the, and, but)..etc.  and only read the meat words from a sentence.  In some cases I can just pick out a phrase from a paragraph as key phrases, usually this is when I am looking for specifics.  I don’t tend to like speed readying when reading for fun, because I like to enjoy and make the reading last.

7SR: How much time do you spend writing each day, and how much time reading?

Work or home I spent hours about 2-3 reading something each day, this could be documentation, news, product reviews or simply browsing online information.  I spent about the same amount of time writing, most of it is in the form of emails, but about 1 hour per day is to writing blog posts, reviews or 1000+ word single piece of content items.

7SR: You’ve also got some helpful podcasts on a range of topics; many people are choosing to listen to podcasts rather than read the same information in an article. Do you have a preference?

I have preferences here, for information or technical information I love to read.  I read reviews, technical documents…etc.  For personal I prefer audio books which force me to slow down at the narrator pace.  I am actually not an audio learner, I am a visual learner so audio podcasts or instruction are not the most efficient way for me to learn.  Yet when I am sitting quietly or laying down or on an airplane where there is nothing to distract me, listening to an audio book engages me and gives me the option of learning or enjoying material while driving or doing something that I can’t read while doing.

7SR: What’s your first piece of advice to someone who wants to do what you’ve done, and set up a blog on a topic they’re passionate about?

Think about how you want readers to consume your message, you may be more effective in Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, YouTube or one of the dozens of other networks than a blog, at the very least use them to compliment a blog.  You don’t always need to pay for web hosting to share your world, use free services like Tumblr, WordPress.com or other sites, only need paid hosting if you want to truly monetize or have the flexibility to become an affiliate and use plugins.  Try your hand at writing free content, figure out which topic excites you and focus on what you love to share.  I approach building a blog as in what kind I offer to my readers, why would they want to come here, what will they learn or will they be entertained?  Know what you want your readers to get out of reading your content, and make sure you inject personality in whatever you do so you can connect with your readers, everyone is a character, play yours up!

7SR: What’s next for your own blog, and your own personal plans for 2016 and beyond?

Continue adding massive amounts of video content, video content is where it is at and while the written blog posts are still found and searched, my video channels have 3x as much viewership as the written blog this last year and the trend continues where live video and recorded video reign supreme as more people prefer watching video or listening to content rather than reading it.

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Robby Leonardi, Creator of Interactive Resume, Shares His Insight of Print Book vs e-Books

Robby Leonardi

One of the things that expert speed readers know how to do is to pick out the most important information from a page of text. An employer looking through a stack of resumes uses the same techniques to find keywords related to the skills they’re looking for – but if you want to be the successful candidate, you’ll need format your resume to highlight those same skills and stand out from the crowd. Of course, you could always write a small video game to present your credentials, right? Well, that’s what Robby Leonardi has done. We talked to Robby recently about speed reading and information management.

7SR: Yours is the first “interactive resume” we’ve seen here at eReflect. How did you come up with the idea?

I always want to create an interactive resume because I saw that some designers already did that. I also wanted to create a game at that time. So I decided to combine those into one single project. I never saw anyone did game theme resume, so I thought this would be a very unique project.

7SR: You’ve worked for a major TV channel doing graphic design and website content development. How do you arrange information on the webpage or screen to make it easy to read and understand?

I arrange them based on the priority of those website elements. I tend to put everything important at the top and less important at the bottom. But sometimes I shift those elements a bit if it is better visually.

7SR: It seems like every company has multiple media streams directed to their clients and potential customers, and that’s a lot of information that those people have to read. How do you handle this information overload, and what are your coping strategies for reading and processing all of those emails and other mailings?

To tell the truth, I still have no strategy how to handle this. I still read those messages from many different media stream.

7SR: What are your top three tips for making a website’s text attractive and easy to use?

Combine 2 or 3 different fonts and play with their sizes.

7SR: With all of your involvement in online media, do you still read printed books? What’s your opinion of print media vs. e-books?

I rarely read printed books nowadays. Usually it is almost always e-book. Print media will still exist, but it will be very few in the future.

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